Quick start

This is a simple of starting a 2-node Corrosion cluster running on the same host and replicating data.

Node A

1. Create a schema file

-- /etc/corrosion/schema/todo.sql

    completed_at INTEGER

2. Configure Corrosion

# /etc/corrosion/config.toml

path = "/var/lib/corrosion/state.db"
schema_paths = ["/etc/corrosion/schema"]

addr = "[::]:8787" # the address we bind to
external_addr = "[::1]:8787" # the address we advertise as
plaintext = true

addr = ""

path = "/var/run/corrosion/admin.sock"

3. Start a Corrosion agent

$ corrosion agent
2023-09-18T13:13:26.526907Z  INFO corrosion::command::agent: Starting Corrosion Agent v0.0.1
2023-09-18T13:13:26.623782Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: Actor ID: a3f72d6d38a24d0daee8258e10071f13
2023-09-18T13:13:26.655779Z  INFO corro_admin: Starting Corrosion admin socket at /var/run/corrosion/admin.sock
2023-09-18T13:13:26.658476Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: Starting peer API on udp/[::]:8787 (QUIC)
2023-09-18T13:13:26.661713Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: Starting public API server on tcp/
2023-09-18T13:13:27.022947Z  INFO corro_types::schema: creating table 'todos'
2023-09-18T13:13:27.023884Z  INFO corro_agent::api::public: updated 1 rows in __corro_schema for table todos
2023-09-18T13:13:27.025223Z  INFO corrosion::command::agent: Applied schema in 0.35491575s

4. Insert some data

$ corrosion exec --param 'some-id' --param 'Write some Corrosion docs!' 'INSERT INTO todos (id, title) VALUES (?, ?)'
INFO corrosion: Rows affected: 1

5. Query some data

Either via SQLite directly if you have access to the database directly:

$ sqlite3 /var/lib/corrosion/state.db 'SELECT * FROM todos;'
some-id|Write some Corrosion docs!|

or via the API if you don't:

$ corrosion query 'SELECT * FROM todos;'
some-id|Write some Corrosion docs!|

Node B

1. Copy the schema file

$ mkdir -p /etc/corrosion-b/schema
$ cp /etc/corrosion/schema/todo.sql /etc/corrosion-b/schema/todo.sql

2. Configure Corrosion

# /etc/corrosion-b/config.toml

path = "/var/lib/corrosion-b/state.db"
schema_paths = ["/etc/corrosion-b/schema"]

addr = "[::]:8788" # the address we bind to
external_addr = "[::1]:8788" # the address we advertise as
bootstrap = ["[::1]:8787"] # bootstrap the node's cluster discovery w/ node A
plaintext = true

addr = ""

path = "/var/run/corrosion-b/admin.sock"

3. Start a Corrosion agent

$ corrosion -c /etc/corrosion-b/config.toml agent
2023-09-18T13:37:00.696728Z  INFO corrosion::command::agent: Starting Corrosion Agent v0.0.1
2023-09-18T13:37:00.768080Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: Actor ID: 4e3e57d1faee47449c1f238559284bc2
2023-09-18T13:37:00.772773Z  INFO corro_admin: Starting Corrosion admin socket at /var/run/corrosion-b/admin.sock
2023-09-18T13:37:00.773162Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: Starting peer API on udp/[::]:8788 (QUIC)
2023-09-18T13:37:00.773559Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: Starting public API server on tcp/
2023-09-18T13:37:00.775504Z  INFO corro_types::schema: creating table 'todos'
2023-09-18T13:37:00.775964Z  INFO corro_agent::api::public: updated 1 rows in __corro_schema for table todos
2023-09-18T13:37:00.776398Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: Current node is considered ACTIVE
2023-09-18T13:37:00.776731Z  INFO corrosion::command::agent: Applied schema in 0.001515042s
2023-09-18T13:37:01.954585Z  INFO corro_agent::agent: synced 2 changes w/ b4fcbb65501f44f0802aba631508be9d in 0.012817167s @ 156.04072257153237 changes/s

This last log shows that node B synchronized changes w/ node A.

Why were 2 changes synchronized? There's only 1 row!

cr-sqlite creates 1 change per column "changed" in a row. It's possible to inspect this directly for troubleshooting:

$ sqlite3 data-b/corrosion.db
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> select * from todos__crsql_clock;
key  col_name      col_version  db_version  site_id  seq
---  ------------  -----------  ----------  -------  ---
1    title         1            1           1        0
2    completed_at  1            1           1        1

4. Query for the just-synchronized data

Either via SQLite directly if you have access to the database directly:

$ sqlite3 /var/lib/corrosion-b/state.db 'SELECT * FROM todos;'
some-id|Write some Corrosion docs!|

5. Insert some data of our own

$ corrosion -c /etc/corrosion-b/config.toml exec --param 'some-id-2' --param 'Show how broadcasts work' 'INSERT INTO todos (id, title) VALUES (?, ?)'
INFO corrosion: Rows affected: 1

6. Query data from Node A

The second row has been propagated.

# here we're pointing at node A's config explicitly for clarity, the default is /etc/corrosion/config.toml
$ corrosion -c /etc/corrosion/config.toml query 'SELECT * FROM todos;'
some-id|Write some Corrosion docs!|
some-id-2|Show how broadcasts work|

Appendix: Templates

1. Create a Corrosion template

Corrosion templates are powered by Rhai w/ custom functions. On change, templates are re-rendered.

<% for todo in sql("SELECT title, completed_at FROM todos") { %>
[<% if todo.completed_at.is_null() { %> <% } else { %>X<% } %>] <%= todo.title %>
<% } %>

2. Process the template

$ corrosion template "./todos.rhai:todos.txt"
INFO corrosion::command::tpl: Watching and rendering ./todos.rhai to todos.txt

3. Watch the todos.txt file for change

Uses watch in a different terminal to see updates when your todos change:

$ watch -n 0.5 cat todos.txt
Every 0.5s: cat todos.txt

[ ] Write some Corrosion docs!
[ ] Show how broadcasts work

Add another todo:

$ corrosion -c /etc/corrosion-b/config.toml exec --param 'some-id-3' --param 'Hello from a template!' 'INSERT INTO todos (id, title) VALUES (?, ?)'
INFO corrosion: Rows affected: 1

Your watch should have been update and should display:

$ watch -n 0.5 cat todos.txt
Every 0.5s: cat todos.txt

[ ] Write some Corrosion docs!
[ ] Show how broadcasts work
[ ] Hello from a template!

We did all those, so let's tick them off:

$ corrosion -c /etc/corrosion-b/config.toml exec 'UPDATE todos SET completed_at = 1234567890'
INFO corrosion: Rows affected: 3
$ watch -n 0.5 cat todos.txt
Every 0.5s: cat todos.txt

[X] Write some Corrosion docs!
[X] Show how broadcasts work
[X] Hello from a template!